Economic Citizenship Education

Partner: Shanghai Better Education Development Center
Country: China
Start date: 01/03/2016
Project type: Financial Literacy
Project reach: 4,000,000 direct beneficiaries

Since 2009, the GSRD Foundation has supported the Shanghai Better Education Development Center (Be Better), helping it to fulfil its ambition to become the most nationally and internationally recognized organization in China dedicated to developing economic citizenship, and to become the market leader in the dissemination of education curricula.

By 2020, Be Better aims to reach 10 million children and young people (from the ages of 3 to 25) and become the sector leader in China by promoting Economic Citizenship Education nationwide. Economic Citizenship Education is a collective term for Financial Education, Economic Education, Entrepreneurship Education and Citizenship Education.

Be Better scales up Economic Citizenship Education by supporting strategic partners (including local governments and NGOs) to implement the program and to create a network of partners, which promote the program nationwide.

The Shanghai Better Education Development Center (Be Better) is a pioneering organization in China focused on providing financial education for children and young people. It is an educational service provider to schools, universities, and district education authorities, offering educational consultancy on teacher training, school management, student performance and curriculum development. Read more about Be Better.